Thursday, December 23, 2004

it's office party day!

so i'm officially out of work-related things to do, so now, in these last 15 minutes before our office cmas party/buffet thingy begins, i've got some blogging time.
tonight we leave for minot -- nothing like a drive in the middle of the night to nearly the middle of nowhere in below zero windchills to inspire that christmas feeling. but i'm looking forward to chillin' w/kinfolk and homies. also looking forward to the dugout party w/msu folk -- good times to be had.
my list of things to do after work (and we're done around 3 today..hurrah!):
- go to bank
- return loaner car, pick up actual car that is not as luxurious as loaner car
- go to the mall of america to use giftcards provided by the lovely sister and her lovely boyfriend -- props to meg and chris for feeding my old navy habit!
- go home, pack, sleep

and i'm seriously crunching into my sleep time w/the old navy trip but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. and i guess that includes going to the bad mall.

ooh! 10 minutes to cmas party. snacks! games! prizes!
i like the cmas party thing. i like goofing off and not being tied to a desk, but still earning a paycheck. i REALLY like the loaner car i'm driving today. so yeah, the kia rio is in the shop -- some part recall happened that is supposed to be covered at no expense to me. so of course i'm waiting to hear about that and the 500 other things wrong with my car that, naturally, WON'T be covered by the warranty.
hope for the best...prepare for the worst. sounds like the holidays to me!

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