Tuesday, June 14, 2005


...b/c it's been that kind of a day. holy hell. possibly taking wednesday off to recover from the complete shite that covered me from head to toe on tuesday afternoon. can't even think. holy crap. must find alcohol immediately. and if i let myself think that things are okay, even for a milisecond, i tempt fate. must be prepared for absolute stinking worst.


Jege (Jen) said...

oh karicita....i know exactly how you feel, and i am channeling all positive alcohol-finding energy your way. OHMMMM......

eM said...

Ditto...if you find large amounts o' drinkie, let me know..i could use about 30 at the moment!

Joe said...

And now, since it's a day later, I'm focusing all my aspirin and water finding powers in your direction...
Wait, that was the wrong one... If you suddenly feel an unearthly guiding force to find some masking tape, ignore it and go with the next impulse...