Friday, March 23, 2007

can cake help you sleep?

pretty sure that birthday cake won't help you sleep, but that didn't stop me from having a piece. it's four-thirty-two in the a.m. and i've been awake for about an hour. but i fell asleep early. and it's friday. and i've not smoked since sunday night. but here's the burning question: will i be able to hold out over the weekend? will i be able to keep my temper under control if i see other people smoking? will the urge to jab out my eyes with a pen pass anytime soon?

i want to sleep. i NEED to sleep. see how tired i look?

see? so tired is the kari.


Crystal said...

you look like maggie gyllenhaal there.


kari said...

that's one of my most favorite movies EVER!!!!!!!