Wednesday, April 04, 2007

my personal mission for the day

when someone's cell phone goes off nearby and continues to ring and ring and ring and they CLEARLY forgot to turn it to silent because ALL I HEAR IN MY HEAD IS EFFING GWEN STEFANI, i will seek out this cell phone and do one of two things:
1. turn off ringer
2. toss into toilet; flush.

for the record, this makes TWO CELL PHONES within ten feet of me that BOTH have GWEN STEFANI ringtones. TWO.

gwen stefani:2

you may win the battle, gwen, but i'll win the war.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Well, that's one way to look at it, the other way you can look at it is:
You're not married to the lead singer of the worst knock-off band of the 90's.

You can spell a word other than "bananas"

You've never written a song that consists of the phrase "hey baby, hey baby, hey!" repeated about a billion times.

So, Kari 3, Gwen 0 (if I could penalize her points, I would...)