Monday, November 22, 2004

how'd my weekend fare?

this was a list of things to do this last weekend (or was it the weekend before?) as shown in a previous entry:
• cleaning the gutters (must first find ladder or defy law of gravity);
• putting plastic over windows (must first remember to buy it at target instead of being distracted by silly purses);
• taking coats to dry cleaners (a chore that, for some reason, i leave to the last damn minute before snowfall);
• not only doing laundry, but actually removing clean clothing from baskets and placing it in a useful location, such as a closet or a dresser);
• cat litter: 'nuff said. (would it have been soooo hard to write "enough" insted of "'nuff?" i think not. i'm so lazy.)
• spend time regretting the fact that i stayed up too late tonight -- this will most likely begin when abbey wakes me up around 7 a.m.

------------- and how did these things work out for me? let's see...

- gutters, schmutters. f**k the gutters. i don't have a ladder and, to date, no way to fly to the roof.
- plastic was placed over abbey's windows. only 2000 windows to go.
- didn't take coats to dry cleaners, but did find a dry cleaners close to home...that's half the battle, right?
- ummm...i have lots of baskets filled with fresh clothing. they are blocking my path to the dressers, closets, etc.
- cats have litter. mission accomplished. (and when i say "mission accomplished," i mean it in the real way, not the George W. Bush way.)
- i always regret staying up too late, even when i'm in bed by 10. mostly b/c i can't get my arse out of bed in the morning and i go to work all disheveled and whatnot. just once i'd like to be...sheveled.

so here are some more plans that won't be completed this evening:
- clean bedroom (put clothes away)
- tidy up abbey's room (put clothes away)
- tidy up bathroom (put dirty clothes in wasy)
- tidy up living room (but books on shelves)

and as a special shout-out to shanny, check out -- it'll be the next damn movie on my movie rack! we heart campy horror!

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