Sunday, January 23, 2005

i'm delighted!

so i just turned to NBC after a day filled with episodes from season 1 of "little house on the prairie," and what's on NBC? why it's "bridget jones' diary," of course! i like this movie. i own this movie and i could watch it any old day, but since it's on the damn tv, i'll watch it now.
colin firth.
this is pretty much the only way i like to see renee zellwegger. i've not yet seen the second bridget jones movie, although i heard it was less than stellar. that's why the dollar theater exists. maybe that'll be my tuesday night thing.
can i say this again?
colin firth.
my dog is sleeping next to me on the couch for the sixth consecutive hour, which means that:
1. she's cute and funny and snoring; and
2. she'll be wide awake tonight, thus keeping us awake by playing with a cat called wanda.
oh, and the non-smoking experiment?
according to the quitplan site:

Time Smoke-Free: 11 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes and 49 seconds

Cigarettes NOT smoked: 139

Lifetime Saved:  1 day, 1 hour

Money Saved: $19.80

so there. and dustin has proclaimed that, after 2 (TWO) months of not smoking, he'll purchase for me the new ipod shuffle. huzzah!


Anonymous said...

Dustin is the man! ipods are the coooolest in the world. I don't know how we would get along without ours. It is my soundtrack to public transit.

Chris Cope said...

Do dollar theaters still exist in the Cities? Where? Please tell me where...

Dylan said...

Good work with the non smoking. i myself will be joining the ranks of the "trying to quit" soon. I promised myself that when I hit thirty I'd stop and well, that's coming up in August. I don't really smoke too much just when I'm drinking. That'll be the most difficult thing ever. To not smoke while having a cocktail. I've already started to prepare myself by hanging out at the non smoking bar Sports On Tap. So little by little I'll be weening myself off them and by the time August rolls around hopefully I'll have an easy go at quiting. Again, good job and I'll raise a glass to continued success!!!