Thursday, February 23, 2006

idea for website

do you recall seeing a website for some guy who, after rescuing a little bunny, said unless he received a certain amount of funds into his paypal account, he'd cook and eat it? and the guy got a ton of money?

well i'm thinking that i need to set up a website and include photos of my horrible teeth and that unless i hit a certain amount of money in an account, i will begin knocking out my pain-causing teeth with a hammer, video tape it and stream it on the internet.

suggestions for a title?


Bram Davidson said...

I actually think you would make more money if you had people pay you to knock your teeth out with a hammer. People like to see what they get ... not pay to not see. Or maybe that is me.

I'll give you $1 to watch you knocking out your teeth.

Crystal said...

no. you have to hurt a defenseless animal. people don't care about people. people only care about animals that don't bite or sting.

kari said...

hmmm...good point, crystal. i do happen to have a cat that is irritating me at the moment.

kari said...

only $1 bram? is that how much i'm worth to you?

Bram Davidson said...

You are worth more to me as a whole ... your tooth getting knocked out w/ a hammer is worth $1. It would be spectacular but over much too quickly.

kari said...

oh bram, i'm... flattered?

Bram Davidson said...

Yes you are.

Jege (Jen) said...

I'm with Crystal on this one. And now I am afraid of Bram.

ungeziefer said...

I'll up the bidding to $1.05. Do I hear $1.10?

kari said...

i'm up to $1.10? sweet!