Monday, February 13, 2006

this is blog post #892

that's a wholelottabloggin'.

here are some pictures from this past weekend in the magic city.

why not minot?

(everyone now!)

but an evening at ebeneezer's can remedy that for a time.
here's the darling patrick (who PROMISED HE'D LIVE HERE BY NOW)

here's ye olde roderick and myself. my glasses are concealing my eyes that refuse to stay open for many a photo.

paul wishes he knew how to quit dustin.

why there ought to be a ban on weapons.

see? i can't keep my eyes open for any photos at all. but it's pretty dark in the bar, and that camera flash was awful bright.
oh, and i may have had a few too many vodka/cranberry drinks. (hence my rosy complexion)


Chris Cope said...

What is that odd piece of pottery about to meet its end?

Andrew said...

Those are great fuckin' pictures. And you know how much I love funny captions, too.

kari said...

that odd piece of pottery about to meet its end is a ceramic duck. poor duck never really met his full potential in life.

thanks, andy, i like the photos, too. and maybe someday my eyes will actually stay open for them on a consistent basis.

Crystal said...

your honey kinda looks like john cusak a little bit

kari said...

that's actually something i've heard before, crystal -- my daughter saw the cover of the dvd "grosse point blank" where john cusack is wearing a black suit, and she said "hey, that looks like dustin."