Thursday, October 27, 2005

it's game time!

okay, GO! no, wait!
let's call them, from the top, A, B and C. you can do all or one or none. the ones that merit the most giggles from me WIN THE UNDETERMINED BUT WONDERFUL PRIZE!

okay, GO!


Jege (Jen) said...

A). "I swear to god, his cock was THIS big!!!"

B). "How 'bout you just shove this apple up your dumb ass and shut the fuck up. Okay honey?"

C). "Damn that was a big cock"

Joe said...

a) *sighs* that's how I introduce my invisible girlfriend, too.

b) Um, where's her other hand?

c) "I'm reading Jen's mind... I'm sensing... a big cock..."

ungeziefer said...

A.) And if I could draw your attention over here, this is the tree house in which I lost my virginity.

B.) I'll have the other one out in a sec . . . And then you get to choose.

C.) They said it would work, focus, concentrate . . . Come on, cock . . . Grow . . . Grow . . . Grow! . . .

(Sorry, it starts with cocks, and it's all downhill from there . . .)

Jege (Jen) said...

Wait a minute John Hughes, you didn't mention cocks even ONCE in your answers.....

Joe said...

I vote for John's disqualification for his failure to mention cock. Nice going, buzzkill...