Wednesday, October 05, 2005

rainy days and ... wednesdays...

last night whilst waiting around for the power to come back on at home, we hung out at a neighborhood watering hole that did have power. in addition to booze.

on the big screen was a swimsuit pageant. not a "scholarship pageant" or a "beauty pageant," an honest-to-goodness swimsuit pageant. the hooters swimsuit pageant. that's right, hooters girls from around the globe were competing for the title of...hooters employee who looks the hottest in a swimsuit, maybe?

as i stared up on the screen, i kept telling dustin "you know i will never, ever look like them, right? you know that, right?" he remained seated next to me, so here's hoping that he knew i was serious and not just being coy.

but we kept watching -- the audio was turned off (like anyone in that bar cared what they had to say) and dustin asked me what i thought of stuff like that. and i guess they are calling it exactly what it is, not under the guise of something else. and predictably so, some yahoo in front of the big screen kept making gestures and groping actions in front of it -- CLEVER, i tell you. and he kept doing it, probably b/c that was the closest he would ever go to actually doing that to Miss Venezuela.

what else do i think about it? do i wish i had a lean physique, as opposed to what could be seen in the reflection of a fun house mirror? oh sure, why not? but when you are that hot, there is little importance in being cool, witty, interesting, or even possessing a smattering of common sense. when you are not that hot, these other traits are honed to a fine point. so i may not be as svelte as i was back in the day, but i'm a whole lot cooler.
(this is a technique i like to call "rationalizing a situation.")

and before all the hot people in the world who read this get all upset, i know that many hot people are cool, witty, interesting and filled with oodles of common sense.

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