Monday, October 25, 2004

hairy food, ibooks and more

ibooks are pretty. especially when they are yours.
hairy food is bad, but not as bad when the hair is yours.
my sad cheese sandwich fell prey to my locks. i found the hair whilst eating. the thought of it makes me want to purge. have since tossed sandwich into the garbage and will be sustained only by a small bag of doritos, an apple and a can of coke. and maybe a can of a&w. and cigarettes. wow, when i look at it that way, i really have it made!
my older sister is at the hospital today, enjoying the fruits of her labor. wait. no, she's just IN LABOR. so the fourth marble/larson child will be among us soon. and for those of you in the twin cities metro area, i'm chewing on the idea of having people over on election night to either share in the victory or weep in the face of defeat. or drink in the face of defeat. wait, we could drink either way. anyhow, email me for directions, info, etc.
it's now time for the cigaratte, and then i shall follow that with the EXCITING production of The Georgia Peace Officers Magazine.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Ha ha! My minions are spreading across the globe like a bad case of the crabs! Prepare to itch! Itch and feel my wrath...

It was a helluva long night. Sorry...