Monday, August 14, 2006

return of the lunchtime blog

for the record, budget gourmet frozen meals are almost like real food. but more like styrofoam.

i have oooodles of photos i must post in the near future, mostly as a result of the recent leingirlz3 visit. hurrah! to you, amycita, i offer a 21 pickle salute with my smoker's bicep. (pictures forthcoming.)

i also had a chance to taunt my biological clock by holding the sweet elliot agnes (and hearing her wail one night worked well as birth control).

fall is approaching and, as we all know (or don't know), my brain always begins to decline into madness. i've been seeing the beginnings lately and let me tell you, dustin is one lucky man to be a part of it all.

must smoke and find chocolate and work more.

photos tonight. for real this time.

1 comment:

Diane said...

yeah... what is it about fall? I find this time particularily funk-creating too. I have even tried to fiqure out why... but can not....I think chocolate will help though....