home sick from work -- coughing, hacking, phlegmmy, the works. and that will come in second in the race of unpleasantries after i watch the state of the union address. that bottle of nyquil i've been saving for horrible sickness might really come in handy today. and you KNOW that W. will offer all sorts of goodies. who can forget the
animal-human hybrid mention from last year?
*shudder* why even bring that up? was that really on the table?
i also intend on keeping track of the following:
•number of times "september the eleventh" is mentioned
•number of times the word "terror" is used
•number of times he confuses the name "saddam" with "osama"
•number of times he avoids making eye contact with
michael j. fox•number of times he snickers
•number of times i want to assume the fetal position and whimper out of shame
and please, PLEASE let this be the year that people DO NOT APPLAUD his idotic statements. turn your backs, chew gum loudly, shoot spitwads through a straw, ANYTHING BUT APPLAUD his insanity. time to man up, dems and repubs!