Monday, May 10, 2004

another day, another,

another day spent doing very little.
unemploy -- i mean, freelancing can be that way. sadly freelancing this way can also lead to turning tricks on lake street to pay the mortgage. i'm sure i have another good day or two until panic sets in.
i've been reading my fair share of blogs... some by total strangers, some by friends. the common theme i've found is the idea of Spare Time. the idea that i've really nothing better to do than write not-too-personal things in this journal format for fear that someone might actually read it. or worse, comment on it and remind me what a schmuck i am.
i've turned 29 years old, and i think that i'm alright with it. i'm not terrified of being 30 by any means, and these 9 years in my 20s have been the longest 9 years of my existence. lots of good, but i'm really ready to be a 30-something.

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