on my cube walls you will find:
• picture of my niece and nephews
• picture of my daughter
• picture of my husband
• picture of my sisters
• picture of my friends
• calendar
• NIN poster from chicago concert in may of 2005
• a picture of a bottle of jack daniels on a stick
• a milk and cheese comic cutout
• a poem from my daughter
• a love note from my husband written by my daughter
on my desk you will find:
• racks for files
• phone
• generic cough drops
• a nearly-empty bottle of coca-cola
• my cell phone and charger
• office supplies
• lots of post-its
• a large bottle of purell (i've been ill)
• 1 box of kleenex
• calculator
• headphones
• scanner
• 2 monitors -- one larger one for my mac work, one smaller one for my virtual pc stuff
• plenty of really really good pens
• a four-inch tall plastic paratrooper without a parachute
• a phone made by the slinky toy company (a friend cleaned out her basement)
• my lunch plate with the last bit of my fairly unsatisfying microwave bean and cheese burrito that i've just realized still has some frozen beans in it. gross.
well, i've just typed plenty for a post and that wasn't so difficult at all! not terribly clever, but one cannot just jump back into the pool of clever... one must step in slowly.
tomorrow: what you will find in my desk drawers (wheee!)