Monday, September 04, 2006

the more things change ...

... the more things stay the same.

yes, it's bound to be a day filled with introspection and meaning, a day where i question EVERYTHING (as i always do) about myself, coming to the same conclusion: yes, i am a little fucked up, but i think as a person, i'm okay.

then why do people like me feel at fault for everything? when i was little i was horrified of thunderstorms, horrified at the prospect of my house being flattened by some giant tornado and what if my behavior could stop it? so i would do little obsessive-compulsive things in hopes to deter mother nature from picking me up, tossing me around in the air, and then spitting me out again like the shell of a sunflower seed. weather was something i had no control over, therefore it was completely terrifying.

when things go wrong in the lives of those around me --- not friends, but those really close to me -- i feel at fault. as though my contact with those people has tainted their existence, that because god hates me (i kid; i don't actually believe in god), my loved ones are simply guilty by association.

if something upsetting happens, something that i am perfectly in my bounds to be upset over, i take the blame for it. why do i do that? why can't i just get mad at something and just be mad about it?

i think the long and short of it is that this is just how i am. i am an "as-is" package in the store of life. sure, i change, i evolve (slightly; i mean, i still have my tail) but i am getting the feeling as i am getting older that there are things about me that will not change.


Jege (Jen) said...

Kari, you have hit upon the wisdom that is unveiled to all people at some time in their 30's: "Hey, these aren't really flaws, they're just me. And I'll be fucked if I'm gonna keep trying to 'remedy' them".

Kinda liberating, huh?

All my life people have been telling me that I am too introverted, and that I should join debate club & toastmasters and some such shit, so I can "fix" these horrific character flaws. Well fuck them in the ass with a garden gnome. A BIG one. This is ME, take it or leave it motherfuckers.

Welcome to the As-Is Club, Kari! Let's party!

Jege (Jen) said...

Addendum to my As-Is theory: Only you, me and other cool people can join this club. All of those other assholes out there really need to keep working on their annoying little habits, like lack of compassion, bad taste in music, and inability to merge correctly onto the interstate.

kari said...

i adore you, jege!

ungeziefer said...

"The tiger can't change his spots. No, wait, he did! Good for him!" -- Jack Handy