Sunday, November 12, 2006

movies, politics, religion, etc.

props to michelle for this goody .

just saw the movie "jesus camp" today. and although i'm still processing it as of now, i think my immediate reaction was "eww." i'd like to say that the crazy lady that runs the camp in devils lake DOES NOT represent what i think of as my home state. it's scary, and i don't like the idea of recruiting children to be part of "god's army." i think i'm too tired and too horrified by what i saw in the movie to form even a slightly-articulate assessment of the movie, but suffice it to say that i think it was well done. they turned the cameras on and you see first-hand some scary stuff. eight, nine, ten year olds talking in "tongues" (gibberish) while weeping and declaring how they were SAVED at the tender age of five. (saved? from what? elmo?)

there is also a beautifully ironic scene with the hypocrite ted haggard.

the crazies are outbreeding the rest of us. and they are militant. and they are being trained in north dakota. *shudder*

WAIT! i just saw this on The Google:

Pastor will shut down controversial kids camp

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