Friday, November 17, 2006

thoughts from my work day

when someone at your lunch table is eating food cooked in oyster sauce, you will NEVER get the smell out of your nose. it will be all you smell, all day long. in fact, you’ll even think that somehow it got on you because you smell it in your hair.

when you put on a shirt in the morning that you’ve not worn for months because it makes you feel frumpy, don’t wear it to work. that frumpy feeling was NOT just your imagination and you most certainly will have that feeling for as long as you wear it. if you have only that shirt clean, go ahead and wear a dirty one.



Joe said...

But what if you know the shirt you wear that day will end up reeking of oyster sauce, do you still choose the frumpy one cuz, hey, who cares if it smells I'm a spinster, or do you sacrifice a more beloved (and dirty) top? So many choices...

Anonymous said...

I get that shirt feeling a lot. Too much. I have implemented a system where, when I get home, it goes right into the "To Be Washed For Salvation Army" pile. Beause if it goes back into the closet I'll pick it up two months later and say, "well, maybe it's better now." And it never is.

The oyster thing? I'm about to boot.