had some good fun with some coworkers last night -- it's nice when you can relate to people in the same -- if not better -- way when you are actually outside of the cubicles.
last two days of work last week were THE SUCK. tooo busy. way too busy. and tomorrow promises more of the same, so i'm looking forward to THAT. for sure. totally. dude.
(what's wrong with me?)
the tattoo is healing up BEAUTIFULLY. love it. LOVE IT. want more tattoos, but will hold off until i think of something to cover up the hideous taurus tattoo. (i'm sure plenty of people put great stock into astrology. but now that i'm not 18 anymore, i'm just not one of them.) maybe i need ideas! who has an idea for a coverup? this is what you'd need to mask:

it's on the upper part of my left shoulder-blade, so i'll send a prize to whoever has the best idea! (b/c that's a good way to decide on permanent ink on my skin...)
now i have to relax on what might be the COMFIEST COUCH EVER in the living room. with the dog. while watching really crappy sunday tv. and trying to get through our laundry. all while remaining in pajamas. a FULL day, indeed.
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