Saturday, November 13, 2004

friday schmiday

"rear window" just finished up -- what a great movie, that scene where grace kelly's character is in the neighbor's apartment, looking for evidence of a murder -- while the neighbor is about to walk back in his door and the whole time, jimmy stewart's character is watching it all take place and is unable to do anything about it, on account of the broken leg and wheelchair! what a great scene. i guess turner classic movies did a bunch of grace kelly movies today, celebrating her birthday.

abbey, dustin and i spent a little time with the oldest larson girl, bobbi, and her son, matthew, tonight at an area perkins -- yummmmmy country club omelet.

awww, sweet! the history channel has a goody show about alien craft in nevada -- god, i love cable. i know i shouldn't but dude, i do.

i just wrote "dude."

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