Saturday, November 13, 2004

a weekend, a schmeekend

i fear this weekend will be one riddled with household chores, including (but not limited to):
• cleaning the gutters (must first find ladder or defy law of gravity);
• putting plastic over windows (must first remember to buy it at target instead of being distracted by silly purses);
• taking coats to dry cleaners (a chore that, for some reason, i leave to the last damn minute before snowfall);
• not only doing laundry, but actually removing clean clothing from baskets and placing it in a useful location, such as a closet or a dresser);
• cat litter: 'nuff said. (would it have been soooo hard to write "enough" insted of "'nuff?" i think not. i'm so lazy.)
• spend time regretting the fact that i stayed up too late tonight -- this will most likely begin when abbey wakes me up around 7 a.m.

that's the long and short of it. or maybe just the short of it; no need to include the long.

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