Sunday, January 30, 2005
life soundtrack
1. the wretched by nine inch nails
2. dry the rain by the beta band
3. protest by skinny puppy
4. sheela na gig by pj harvey
5. kid fears by indigo girls
6. darkness by peter gabriel
7. fragile by nine inch nails
8. fuck and run by liz phair
9. fade into you by mazzy star
10. let go by frou frou
11. such great heights by iron & wine
12. gave up by nin
13. precious things by tori amos
14. the magnificent 7 by the clash
15. for sure by tiger trap
16. it had to be you by billie holiday
17. i wanna be sedated by the ramones
18. get the time by the descendants
that's where it's at for now. more to be added at a later time.
and you? what's on your soundtrack?
the actor's studio
the students are now asking bob redford questions and he is so gracious and it's funny, b/c he has the ability to make EVERY woman (and probably many men) just blush when he speaks to them. there's just something about him.
dustin is listening to rap music right now and it creates an interesting soundtrack when i'm doing things that are pretty calm, like folding laundry or, like right now, blogging.
i'll find my foot tapping or my head sort of nodding and then i wonder "what do the words say?" and i realize i don't really care at that moment in time, it's just nice to have a soundtrack.
lasso puppy

lasso puppy
Originally uploaded by kllnin.
the dog enjoys playing with anything that could be used for tug o' war...rope, socks, christmas ornaments, what have you...
Friday, January 28, 2005
day of achey noggin
so i was at home today, missing work hours that i really can't afford to be missing, but there is nothing to be done about that.
tis now nearly the 9 o'clock hour and abbey is working on a spool knitting project.
i've begun knitting. and not with a spool kit, but with real, grown-up, shiny blue metal knitting needles. i can now cast on (did i mention this all in a previous post? i don't remember) and do some stitching, however i can't keep my little knits loose enough, and pretty soon it's all really, really tight and really, really difficult to get past six rows.
suggestions, anyone? would a bigger gauge needle help? are there knitting support groups out there?
"hi, my name is kari, and my knitting is too tight."
"hi kari!"
applause follows. there are some women with tear-stained faces, some men looking very ashamed. people are drinking watered-down coffee and chain smoking marlboro reds. we all have name tags on.
maybe my man hands are just not knit-friendly. maybe i should try crochet. wait, that may not be the solution. maybe just stacking bricks is better for my dexterity (or lack thereof).
i definitely think that having something to keep me occupied in the manner that knitting does is good for the non-smoking effort.
i think in the morning i'm going to make french toast for breakfast. DRATS! no eggs in the house, and i'm lazy. crunchberries it is.
the dog is doing well, and i shall soon post another -- hang on, i'm watching "fairly odd parents" with abbey now, and there is a bit on the show that, only with the aid of fairy god parents could north and south dakota get past their differences and consolidate into one state, DAKOTA, thus leaving the flag with one less star.
okay, i digress. i shall soon post a few more photos of the dog, how the "dogs and cats, living together" (name what movie that quote came from!) situation is progressing.
but why do dogs chew on plastic? why is that? any kind of plastic and dixie is all over it.
i have a great deal of energy now that the headache is gone, which explains this REALLY LONG AND UNIMPORTANT blog post. there is something really exhilarating about pain in the sense that once the pain is gone, you feel freakin' amazing.
my dream last night: bizarre. i woke up at three with the headache and, upon falling back to sleep, dreamt about having a headache, in addition to there being big grizzly bears in our house. two bears, actually, and they kept taking swipes at all of us as we ran from room to room. and we had a rifle but no shotgun shells to use to get rid of them, which is bizarre, b/c even if there were bears in my house, i wouldn't shoot them. i'd offer them tea and cake and a lift home. but no gunfire.
anyhow, without shotgun shells and with a throbbing headache, i took the dog for a walk but had no leash, so i had to walk for blocks while holding onto dixie's collar so she would not run away. when i found a leash for sale, it was only 35 cents, which is a steal if you've ever shopped for leashes. then we were walking home but i kept taking what i thought were shortcuts home, but every yard i walked through was blocked off by a big wall or on the edge of a cliff and i couldn't find my way home. and all the time a big effing' headache.
so that was my dream. that's the first time i dreamt about bears being loose in my house. usually my dreams are in the following order:
2 days a week -- teeth falling out.
1 day a week -- tornado.
1 time a month -- we live in a weird military state and have to ride in buses that drive up and down 90 degree angle hills.
the other dreams i usually don't recall, but those are my staples, if you will.
i can tell i've not blogged much lately b/c for some reason i can't be stopped right now.
except to let the dog outside, b/c she's not capable of opening a door, attaching her chain and letting herself back in. she's trained but not that trained.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
movie night at our house
me (to abbey): did you like this movie?
abbey: yeah.
me: more than the first movie?
abbey: i liked this one more than the first.
now she's got a digital thermometer in her mouth and is taking her temperature. that's the thought progression of a third-grader.
"i liked this movie. i wonder what my temp is."
things with the new dog are working pretty well -- but the oldest cat will stand in front of dixie and sort of, um...intimidate her. she won't make a noise, but she'll just stand there and probably think belitting thoughts about the dog. so then one of us have to intervene to "rescue" the 38-pound dog from the 12 pound cat.
crap. time to get ready for bed. must sleep.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
that's right, homeys. two weeks. and i have now begun knitting to keep the hands busy.
two friggin' weeks! i'm 1.5 months away from the ipod shuffle...go me!
and props to my boy TERRY for hitting the two week mark, too!
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
what marriage does to people

how marriage has changed you
Originally uploaded by kllnin.
congrats to my dad and leona on their wedding! (i heart photoshop)
a handsome cat

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
this used to be our cat, until our cats tormented him and he now lives with sarah m. his name is smoky and he had a portrait taken of him. i feel it's a fine portrait, however i think some added touches would be lovely.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
...but she liked the snow

abbey snow
Originally uploaded by kllnin.
abbey felt pretty good about the snowfall. good enough to possibly chuck a snowball at me as i had a digital camera in hand.
i'm delighted!
colin firth.
this is pretty much the only way i like to see renee zellwegger. i've not yet seen the second bridget jones movie, although i heard it was less than stellar. that's why the dollar theater exists. maybe that'll be my tuesday night thing.
can i say this again?
colin firth.
my dog is sleeping next to me on the couch for the sixth consecutive hour, which means that:
1. she's cute and funny and snoring; and
2. she'll be wide awake tonight, thus keeping us awake by playing with a cat called wanda.
oh, and the non-smoking experiment?
according to the quitplan site:
Time Smoke-Free: 11 days, 14 hours, 46 minutes and 49 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 139
Lifetime Saved: 1 day, 1 hour
Money Saved: $19.80
so there. and dustin has proclaimed that, after 2 (TWO) months of not smoking, he'll purchase for me the new ipod shuffle. huzzah!
abbey with some pets
let it snow? MAKE IT STOP!

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
holy crapola. it snowed a lot on friday. a lot. i was none too happy.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
pharmaceutical commercials
in fact, all pharmaceutical commercials are disturbing on some level. know what i'd be willing to trade? the money spent on those effing commercials for AFFORDABLE MEDICATION. but i guess that's just the silly idealist in me.
now i'm watching a new game show on comedy central, i don't recall the title off hand, but basically they make you get your ass kicked to win a prize, then make you guess more questions to not have your prize destroyed. this moron didn't know that:
a: the gene in KISS was gene simmons; and
b: "she blinded me with science" was sung by thomas dolby.
what does this prove? that knowing too much about pop culture is not bad, and that if you win a brand new ford mustang, it won't have it's windshield smashed in by a sledgehammer.
lesson learned.
hell week is finished...i hope...

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
thanks to the handy folks at quitnet, i now have a ONE WEEK certificate for not smoking. one week. but what is staggering is that, according to the stats, i've not smoked 85 cigarettes, however i've only save 12 bucks. and 15 hours. that doesn't really rock my world at this point. but i'm sure it shall matter when it comes down to my last 15 hours on earth and i think, "hmm, i would have died by now, but i've still got 15 hours to go!"
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
back to the lunchtime blog
well i'm on ye olde day seven of not smoking and it's going alright today, i am sure that i'll have a burning urge to put my head through a window at some point, as that urge hits about once or twice a day -- but maybe with enough of my delightful Grandma's Oatmeal Raisin cookie, i can keep that horrible urge at bay.
what's tough especially is having it in my mind that i am not a smoker anymore. i kind of feel like when i'm not smoking, i'm not a non-smoker, i just a smoker in denial -- a fraud, if you will. even last year when i quit for four whole months, i still felt like a smoker the entire time. so getting out of that mindset will be what really keeps me from smoking again.
the quitnet site has been really helpful, and there are some nice folks who will post reassuring messages on the forum when you type in things like, oh, for example:
"if i don't smoke i'm going to put my head through that window!" they assure you that no, putting your head through that window won't actually keep your cravings away.
my blog is a bore since i've quit smoking. that's all i talk about...blah blah blah. oh, and a big THANKS to all of you who have ordered cookies through my wee tot -- she's set herself a pretty high goal (250 boxes, down from her ORIGINAL goal of 490) and it's nice that she'll be able to meet it.
word out.
Monday, January 17, 2005
if i lived in london...
who wants some darn cookies?
Sunday, January 16, 2005
golden globe award night
ewan macgregor=lovely
zach braff=lovely
natalie portman= adorable
besides all that, i'm just longing for a chapstick that won't burn my sad, dry lips.
foreign actors are allowed to have bad teeth, it seems, whereas the teeth of american actors gleam like a freshly bleached shirt.
oh, i'm tired. oh, and i'm also nearing the end of my fifth day without smoking.
and for the most part it's not too bad, but everynow and then i feel like tossing whatever it is i have in my hand (remote control, bottle of water, poison dart) right through the damn window. and then a few minutes later i'm fine again.
celebrities i'm really tired of:
paris hilton
anyone from sex and the city (well christ! they're everywhere! gap ads! 7up ads! PLEASE! give us time!)
gwen stefani
general quiz: who are YOU sick of?
(as a side note, charlie kaufmann just got screwed -- he should have won an award for "eternal sunshine." and why the hell did "garden state" see no nominations at all?)
Saturday, January 15, 2005
three days

three days
Originally uploaded by kllnin.
the quitplan website is pretty cool, they give you little certificates to print out when you have hit certain milestones, so here's my three day quit certificate!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
girls scout time...
Caramel Delites
Peanut Butter Patties
Thin Mints
Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Reduced Fat Lemon Pastry Cremes
Animal Treasures
Iced Berry Pinatas
they are $3.50 per box and the proceeds go to her Girl Scout troop for camp, field trips, supplies, etc., with the remaining going to charities in the Twin Cities area. payment is due either at time of ordering OR time of delivery, and the cookies will be ready for delivery around the end of february/beginning of march.
i know you wanna.
and remember: nobody puts baby in a corner.
lunchtime sans cigarettes
i wanted a better lunch for day 2 of not smoking. i wanted luscious fruits and vegetables, dense breads and gallons of juice...for dessert? strawberries dipped in that yummy cream cheese fruit dip. but i have the lame soup.
i'm sad.
i think before i could rationalize eating bad soup by saying "well at least i'll have a really enjoyable cigarette after the soup!"
"well, at least i'll have....a piece of gum after the soup." and guess what...i'm not at that place where gum=better than cigarette. yesterday was edgy day. today is sad/irritable day...i can't WAIT to see what tomorrow brings!
i think my problem is that i don't really want to quit. i mean, i know i need to and it's not healthy etc etc etc, but i still WANT to smoke. however i don't think this is something that will ever really go away. i think i'll probably always want to smoke.
so instead of smoking tonight, i shall do another mile on ye olde elliptical machine that, until yesterday, was collecting a great deal of dust.
at least i picked the coldest damn week of the winter thus far to quit... word on the street (by "street" i mean "minnesota public radio") is that the gov. might cancel school tomorrow if it's dangerously cold as predicted. and i'd be okay with that. working and getting paychecks is good, but watching movies and reading all day with my daughter is better.
have listened to the "garden state" soundtrack for the gajillionth time today -- can't really get enough of it and sadly, that means in a week or so i shan't want to hear it for up to six months. i don't really know the meaning of moderation.
(confession: i do actually know the meaning of moderation, but in my previous sentence i was using that phrase as an exaggeration.)
ahh...sidenotes....another dandy excuse to italicize some words.
day twoooooooo
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
crutch puppet

crutch puppet
Originally uploaded by kllnin.
today at work, margaret (a fellow designer) fashioned a puppet with a box top and a crutch to cheer me on in my quit-smoking efforts. good times! props to margaret!
day 1
so the patch makes my arm burn. nuts. my last cigarette was around 11 last night. so nine hours into it.
i kind of want to jab a pencil into my eye. i'll definitely keep you updated on that.
Monday, January 10, 2005
horrible commercials
because it's the "west wing" marathon monday, you lunatics!
earlier dustin overheard a commercial and his response was "i hate the world."
so i know i'm not alone on this.
and i kind of wish martin sheen could be our president.
and i KNOW i'm not alone on this, either.
let's take a vote: who would like martin sheen to be our president?
Saturday, January 08, 2005
ice girl

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
abbey went ice skating today w/her girl scout troop. a couple of spills but all in all, she's a skating fiend!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
total f**king lunatics
so the supergenius continues down the block behind me, flashing his brights and honking -- i hit my brakes to give the "bring it, you fucker" vibe and he stops.
when i say "he," i don't actually know that it was a he for a fact. i'm only assuming and therefore making as ass out of both you and me.
anyhow, we are approaching a stoplight at white bear avenue and as i'm blinking for the right turn, he blinks for the left, begins flashing his brights and honking again. as we both turn, my left arm is extended up out the window with the middle finger raised.
however, this show of my middle finger did not make me feel better. why? it's because i can't help but think that i MUST have done something wrong for this person to act like such a lunatic... but really, i know this person was just out of their mind.
i continued on to my bank/grocery errands and even after wandering aimlessly around cub foods, looking for the frozen tasties called "uncrustables," i was still unnerved by the incident.
as a side note, "uncrustables" are delightful. they are frozen, round little pb&j sandwiches that you thaw out and devour with all your might. i've only tried the grape jelly ones, but i'll now check and see how the strawberry jams are going over. and abbey's reply to my question of "how are the strawberry uncrustables?"
"they're good."
my follow up question:
"as good as the grape?"
her reply:
and that was all she wrote.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
dogville...not the movie.
our kennel for the dog
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Memo to Esther:
1. We should meet for a meal on Tuesday after we have fled from our workplace cubicles.
2. We should only eat someplace that will allow me to continuously smoke from not only my mouth, but also my ears and nostrils. But if they don't allow me to smoke from my eyes, that is fine. Smoking from the eyes is a filthy habit.
3. You should phone me on my mobile apparatus in order to arrange for the aforementioned food plan.
the coast is toast

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
this is the best picture of dustin and i ever taken. really. i love this picture.
still ringing in the new year

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
emily & amy lein and myself on new year's eve. they look like hotties, i wore my faded batman shirt...all was as it should be.
ringing in the new year

Originally uploaded by kllnin.
here we have dylan (emily's husband) and dustin at the new year's party we attended. dustin looks a bit like dylan's "exceptional" friend.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
currently enjoying a day of quite whilst watching the special features on the dvd of "garden state" ~ zach braff is really freakin' great.
we rang in our new year at an acquaintance's party last night, accompanied by amy lein, emily lein and em's husband, dylan. it was a good time but this morning i had to take amy to the airport, which blows a bit but we had a nice wit filled breakfast at ember's.... good coffeecake, folks.
i think being an editor for a film would be a really great job and how it would require such instincts -- how could i just get into that? who do i have to know? hmm.
maybe i should stick to screenwriting. or even just writing would be a big step for me right now. but for today? watching movies all freakin' day.
my new year's resolutions:
blog more.
sing karaoke without fear.
i'd say "quit smoking," but i'm too lacking in will power. let's be honest: i may as well resolve to "exercise more" while i'm at it.
that's all i got for now. but it's enough.
it's blog, it's blog...
Associated Press
January 1, 2005 MINOT, N.D. (AP) - Thirty-six children were injured in a sledding accident during an all-night New Year's Eve party.
Three of the children were hospitalized, but all were in stable condition Saturday, hospital officials said. The others were treated and released.
Police Sgt. Winston Black said more than 100 children ages 12 to 19 attending a Youth for Christ event gathered at a high school around 4 a.m. to slide down a hill using sleds built out of cardboard boxes.
A sign posted on the hill prohibited sledding.
The children and Youth for Christ staff piled eight to 12 passengers on the sleds, then went down the hill in quick succession, Black said. ``The sleds struck rocks, a light pole and each other,'' he said.
Black said he did not know if the organization had permission to use the hill. Police were investigating.
There was no immediate response to a call seeking comment from Youth for Christ headquarters on Saturday.
Dozens injured in sledding accident during party in Minot
Dozens injured in sledding accident during party in Minot: "Dozens injured in sledding accident during party in Minot
Associated Press
January 1, 2005 MINOT, N.D. (AP) - Thirty-six children were injured in a sledding accident during an all-night New Year's Eve party.
Three of the children were hospitalized, but all were in stable condition Saturday, hospital officials said. The others were treated and released.
Police Sgt. Winston Black said more than 100 children ages 12 to 19 attending a Youth for Christ event gathered at a high school around 4 a.m. to slide down a hill using sleds built out of cardboard boxes.
A sign posted on the hill prohibited sledding.
The children and Youth for Christ staff piled eight to 12 passengers on the sleds, then went down the hill in quick succession, Black said. ``The sleds struck rocks, a light pole and each other,'' he said.
Black said he did not know if the organization had permission to use the hill. Police were investigating.
There was no immediate response to a call seeking comment from Youth for Christ headquarters on Saturday."