Friday, January 28, 2005

day of achey noggin

migranes suck arse. the pain of mine only (only?) lasted about 11 hours, so i guess i have THAT to be happy about. the pleasant side effects of weird colored lines in my vision came on early and were the last to leave -- nothing like poor vision when driving your child to a birthday party on the verge of rush hour traffic.
so i was at home today, missing work hours that i really can't afford to be missing, but there is nothing to be done about that.
tis now nearly the 9 o'clock hour and abbey is working on a spool knitting project.
i've begun knitting. and not with a spool kit, but with real, grown-up, shiny blue metal knitting needles. i can now cast on (did i mention this all in a previous post? i don't remember) and do some stitching, however i can't keep my little knits loose enough, and pretty soon it's all really, really tight and really, really difficult to get past six rows.
suggestions, anyone? would a bigger gauge needle help? are there knitting support groups out there?

"hi, my name is kari, and my knitting is too tight."
"hi kari!"
applause follows. there are some women with tear-stained faces, some men looking very ashamed. people are drinking watered-down coffee and chain smoking marlboro reds. we all have name tags on.

maybe my man hands are just not knit-friendly. maybe i should try crochet. wait, that may not be the solution. maybe just stacking bricks is better for my dexterity (or lack thereof).

i definitely think that having something to keep me occupied in the manner that knitting does is good for the non-smoking effort.
i think in the morning i'm going to make french toast for breakfast. DRATS! no eggs in the house, and i'm lazy. crunchberries it is.

the dog is doing well, and i shall soon post another -- hang on, i'm watching "fairly odd parents" with abbey now, and there is a bit on the show that, only with the aid of fairy god parents could north and south dakota get past their differences and consolidate into one state, DAKOTA, thus leaving the flag with one less star.

okay, i digress. i shall soon post a few more photos of the dog, how the "dogs and cats, living together" (name what movie that quote came from!) situation is progressing.
but why do dogs chew on plastic? why is that? any kind of plastic and dixie is all over it.

i have a great deal of energy now that the headache is gone, which explains this REALLY LONG AND UNIMPORTANT blog post. there is something really exhilarating about pain in the sense that once the pain is gone, you feel freakin' amazing.

my dream last night: bizarre. i woke up at three with the headache and, upon falling back to sleep, dreamt about having a headache, in addition to there being big grizzly bears in our house. two bears, actually, and they kept taking swipes at all of us as we ran from room to room. and we had a rifle but no shotgun shells to use to get rid of them, which is bizarre, b/c even if there were bears in my house, i wouldn't shoot them. i'd offer them tea and cake and a lift home. but no gunfire.
anyhow, without shotgun shells and with a throbbing headache, i took the dog for a walk but had no leash, so i had to walk for blocks while holding onto dixie's collar so she would not run away. when i found a leash for sale, it was only 35 cents, which is a steal if you've ever shopped for leashes. then we were walking home but i kept taking what i thought were shortcuts home, but every yard i walked through was blocked off by a big wall or on the edge of a cliff and i couldn't find my way home. and all the time a big effing' headache.
so that was my dream. that's the first time i dreamt about bears being loose in my house. usually my dreams are in the following order:
2 days a week -- teeth falling out.
1 day a week -- tornado.
1 time a month -- we live in a weird military state and have to ride in buses that drive up and down 90 degree angle hills.

the other dreams i usually don't recall, but those are my staples, if you will.

i can tell i've not blogged much lately b/c for some reason i can't be stopped right now.

except to let the dog outside, b/c she's not capable of opening a door, attaching her chain and letting herself back in. she's trained but not that trained.


Chris Cope said...

The staples of my dreams involve one of my ex-girlfriends testing my patience. I had a dream recently that an ex came to stay with my wife and I. When I woke up I was so angry that all my muscles were tight and I hurt for the rest of the day.

Ghostbusters -- that's the movie.

Man hands can knit. They just need practice; keep at it. I knit myself a scarf, two for my wife, and one for each of my parents. About a year ago, I wrote a column about knitting in which I pointed out that knitting is "seriously outside-the-box thinking... First of all, someone had to look at a sheep and think, 'Instead of eating that animal, I am going to shave it.'"

That's right. I put a link to my column in your comments box. I am a weasel.

Anonymous said...

I once dreamt that I was being chased through the state fair by a bear and noone would help they would just laugh as I went by....