Friday, February 04, 2005

add on to my list of things i detest

i'm so tired of gwen stefani and her crappy image that is EVERYWHERE. i shall boycott "the aviator" solely on the fact that she is in it for two minutes.


eM said...

So with you on this...HATE HATE gwen stefani....still like some No Doubt. Am now pretty sure i'm just liking her as a facade and the band who has some (while minimal and poppy) talent as her new stuff (and new skeletor look) is heinous.

amycita said...

Yes, she is just a girl, and has becoming less and less of one for a while now (reference the "skeleton look" comment). I just don't think we should lighten up about public figures with anorexia b/c they negatively affect so many people and they make cubic butt tons of money. Plus, stealing the hook for your song from Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof) is uber lame.

amycita said...

Oops, I meant skeletoR not skeletoN. And I want to clear that up b/c I like the reference to He-Man and She-Ra. Go Em!