Monday, April 11, 2005

cadaver politik

THE DEBATES CONTINUE. and there is a whole lotta opinion on abortion from many who will never have one, so girls, chime in!


eM said...

i was happy to see your post on the issue. I was like, well, i do have a uterus, so i guess i'll put in my two cents, but i think as a mom yourself, you've got more insight into it :)

i volunteered with a woman who used to be adamantly anti-choice until she got married, had two kids, and then got a divorce and pretty much raised the kids on her own. It wasn't so black and white to her after that point. She loved her kids, it wasn't that; she just saw how difficult it is to raise kids w/out a good support network. And I think your point about how they care while the baby is in utero and after that, couldn't care less is a good one. One time these people who wanted to adopt came to the clinic. They were heckling women going in for appointments and saying how much they wanted to have a child but they couldn't and how selfish these women were. All of us volunteers couldn't help wonder why they weren't trying to adopt an already born child since from what i've heard, there are probably at least a few who need good homes!

To completely change the topic, do you think the singer of 'goody two shoes' is unshakable or immovable? is that where his name comes from? (adamant) am i the last person in the world to realize this? in my defense, i was at work at about 5:55 this morning....and have a nasty head cold.

Jege (Jen) said...

I just skimmed over Cadaver Politik's abortion free-fer-all, and it looks wildly entertaining. I will have to peruse it later when I don't have freaky christian co-workers leering over my shoulder.

Also, note to Dustin: Frankly, the post needs more graphics. Perhaps a little Calder-esque mobile made entirely out of fetus parts? And who doesnt loves a giant fondue pot swimming with zygotes?
Just a thought.