Saturday, April 30, 2005

a real post...from me!

so i've managed to finagle a nine inch nails ticket from a kid in illinois who can't use his ticket, so I'M GOING TO THE CHICAGO SHOW ON MAY 7TH! HAPPY FREAKIN' 30TH BIRTHDAY TO ME, I SAY!
also, as of today, here are my not-smoking stats:

108 days
1621 cigarettes not smoked
$283.50 not spent
12 days, 9 hours of life saved.

isn't that worth a little something?


Anonymous said...

You got tickets Kari that rules!!!!!

amycita said...

Luhs mah Karicita! So glad you have done so well with not smoking and feel so great that you have gotten a NIN ticket. Is like karmic retribution or similar (have been re-reading Bridget Jones Diary again, so am currently writing in said style. v.g)