Wednesday, May 18, 2005

oy, a free moment!
being busy at work is good b/c that means the day will go fast. however that can go to extremes when one no longer has time to blog even a sentence or two! and now i have a free 10 minutes before the kiddo is done with doll time and ready for story time. and my dog is begging for my mike-n-ikes. but i shall not give in.
having a 9 year old kicks ass. she's old enough to do cool kid stuff (biking, fetching own snacks, get an inside joke, understand a film reference) but still little enough to where she likes to hang out with me (our story time right before sleep). and i know that someday she will tell me that she's embarassed by me and will slam the door in my face before putting on some music that i won't like, so i'm enjoying this now.
henry rollins said something interesting about this generation and the music we listen to -- (and i'm paraphrasing here) that we will be a group of people who are more intense than both our parents and our children. and i see that. just from knowing how abbey is right now, i can't imagine her listening to slayer anytime in the future. (although she did say once that she thought trent reznor would be a good babysitter, so i guess anything is possible.)
and i just gave the absterbinder a 2-minute extension on her doll time for purely selfish "but i just got blogging finally" reasons.
oh hell, it's not as though i'm writing anything profound. or even all that interesting.
oh a SUPERB note, it's recently been announced that the ever-talented and charming AMYCITA and her husband, Jub Jub, will be fleeing the city of Boston for MICHIGAN! yay for closer friends! now if we can work on getting Jeg closer...hmmm...
you hear that, Jeg? i'm plotting...

1 comment:

Jege (Jen) said...

I hear, I hear! It's possible....