Thursday, May 12, 2005


okay. a crazy few days but now i'm catching my breath and able to process it a bit. my wee girl has epilepsy -- displayed by something sly and sneaky called Absence (or, Petit Mal) Seizures.
in order to control the seizures, she started taking Zarotin last night. i'm hoping it won't be too sedating for her in the mornings at school.
so yeah, it's 5:06 a.m. and i'm awake after a horribly restless sleep. it was NOT easy to get her to take that pill, as she has never swallowed one before. attempts with water were futile, so we stepped up to placing the pill in with a spoon of yogurt and she was able to swallow it easily then. yay for yoplait!
so yeah. stressful. and she is having a hard time understanding what really happens, as she has no memory of it except she'll sort of notice a lapse of time from before and after -- like when she's in school and it happens and she realizes she's fallen behind in what the teacher is doing or saying. i'm just hoping that she outgrows them as many kids do. but for now, we've got three years (starting from the first day of no seizures) of meds to think about. but at least there is something we can do.


Jege (Jen) said...

Poor little Abbey!
How did you first find out she was having these seizures? From what I hear, they just look like "spacing out" (but are no less scary than the other kind!)

amycita said...

OK to clarify, it may be that Dave Nett was experiencing a demon posession when he started drawing on the wall in red, but seriously, I am sorry to hear that about the Abster-Binder; but (no, I just can't contain my pathetic attempts at humor in the face of a traumatic event)think of what a great crutch that could be at work.

Board meetg or similar:
Boss: "yada yada yada, bla bla bla..hey, are you listenging to me?!"
You: "Oh, excuse me. I was experiencing a petit mal seizure, please forgive me. It looks like I'm not paying attention at all and am off in another world for an unspecified amount of time. My bad."

Lover: "honey, you just don't seem into it tonight, what's wrong?"

You: Oh it's nothing, I was just having a little seizure. Really, it's not you...

Jege (Jen) said...

Amycita, I don't know if you know about this, but when we were little, I overheard mom talking about how she was worried that you were having "absence" would certainly explain all of the singing..... :)