Monday, June 13, 2005

a day of little accomplishment

woke at 11 or so this morning. napped from 12:30 until 5 or so. got some groceries -- mowed the it's time for bed. again. wow. little accomplished today.
well, the lawn is no small feat, now that i think about it. the front yard is not so big, but our backyard is:
1. up a hill, requiring the hauling of a lawn mower up stairs;
2. made up of tall grass. very tall. tall like "maybe it'd be easier for it to go back to the way our forefathers saw it" tall.
3. a bit bumpy.

so yeah, no good times there. i'll need to make EWP come on over and mow sometime, as i've decided i just don't want to.

i also have loads of weeding to do. will i get it done? time will tell.

hard to believe that the weekend is over so fast -- but i suppose when you sleep away half of the damn day, monday will sneak up on you. mondays. crunch days at work. and i like the crunch...but it makes sunday nights tough. i was considering going out to watch movieoke tonight, but i lost momentum, somewhere between weeding the garden plot in front and weed-wacking the yard in back. yes, it was so long, we needed to weed wack it BEFORE taking the mower on it. gross. bad homeowners! bad!

oh, if anyone out there needs a website done for a FRACTION of what most places will charge, please consider checking out Platypus Man for your web design needs. dustin is working hard to start up his own business, so feel free to toss his name around to people you know.

10:53 p.m. crap.

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