Saturday, August 20, 2005

New on Clark Spiell and other notes...

A dandy site that is a good read, Clark Schpiell Productions (founded and contributed by some former Nodak folk) is something you'll want to check out on a regular basis. You will see here that dustin has contributed to it regarding the new series (that, in my opinion, is airing waaaaay too soon) "Over There."
I intend on contributing to the aforementioned site as well, and the focus of my contribution will be on the MN Renaissance Festival. You see, we got some free tickets from work and although Dustin refuses to go even in the name of mockery, darling Sarah Montgomery will be attending with me. Let the carnage begin, that's what i say. Oh no! if any of them read this, they may try to joust me! nay! thou shalt not joust me!

but i'm not dressing up and you can't make me.

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