Thursday, September 08, 2005

a decent editorial piece

Give THIS article a look-see.

(then yell at me for being partisan.)


Anonymous said...

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kari said...

i hate blog spam.

kari said...

and now i'm going to utilize the word verification thingamajiggy. let me know if it gets obnoxious.

eM said...

Hey Kari-cita,
I suppose I could yell at you for being partisan, I guess I'd rather just say 'ello and that I hope you're doing well :)

Damn blog spam indeed!!

hmm, Jimbo also did psychotherapy, I wonder if there's a liberal bias we should be smacking down on, huh? or maybe (and now I'm going to be thwacked to death for being partisan too), it's because in that role, people have to be well-educated and deal with folks who have been through hard times and have gotten the raw end of the deal a bit too often; they just actually care about the little guy...really. and not just for a publicity stunt.