Thursday, September 29, 2005

fall chores

yes, the chores o' the season. how exciting that i not keep those chores all to myself! from washing the blankets to breaking out the space heater...well maybe those are the only chores i can think of. there it is that's it. blankets and a heater. so by making it sound like some sort of event -- "Fall Chores 2005!" -- i've made it more lame.

i don't really have the stereotypical seasonal changes for my life -- "Spring Cleaning" usually means "more crap in a box that i have to sort through or i might just throw it all out before the cat pees on it." but that sounds less charming than Spring Cleaning.

my thoughts are slightly jumbled at this somewhat late hour. i fell asleep putting the kiddo to sleep (children are mini heaters -- it happens easily)-- and have just woken up. right before i left work today i found out that i had screwed up on a couple of pages of a monthly newspaper that built. while it's nothing that will keep me up at night, it still bothers me that i was too busy to notice that, in the midst of switching ad A with ad B, i forgot to put in the B. basically one ad ran twice in the same paper, while one was left out completely. shite happens, i know, but it still sucks finding out that you are not the freakin' genius you once thought.

(pausing to recall when i once thought i was a freakin' genius...hmm)

ah well, for now i shall relax near the space heater and enjoy the warm air blown out that contrasts with the cold air seeping in through the windows. hmm. conditions in my room are ripe for a thunderstorm.

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