Friday, June 25, 2004

friday schmiday

abster's friend is sleeping over. they are both quite content. and that leaves time for me to do important things, like work on all my political causes, build homes for poor and donate food to local shelters.

no wait, that's someone else. i'm simply blogging.

and i just heard a dog bark upstairs. no, that was a child, pretending to be a dog. that was fairly convincing.

going to roseville tomorrow night with dustin, sarah and andy, to see the new michael moore movie, Fahrenheit 911. i'm ready to join the masses in sticking it to teh man. as much as i can with my limited time, what, with all my fundraising and whatnot. (by "fundraising" i mean "tv consumption" and "blogging.")

ooh-- i see gene hackman, shelly winters and ernest borgnine, this can mean only one thing:

but with leslie nielsen as a boat's captain? and it's not a parody movie? can anyone take him as a dramatic actor since "airplane" and countless naked gun movies?

did i spell posiedon correctly? and is this a true story? and is that the actor who played grandpa joe in willy wonka? i'm so filled with questions!
oh, it's totally grandpa joe. i've seen the last 1/4 of this movie, so really i only need to watch a the first 3/4 and then i can change the channel. man, that's a lot of time to devote to this endeavor.

oh, and gene hackman is a damn reverend. a reverend like macgyver, actually. fasioning a ladder out of a metal christmas tree? a rescue trampoline out of tapestry? that's skill, folks. that's showmanship.

hats off to showmanship.

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