Sunday, June 06, 2004

an ice age?

just saw the movie "the day after tomorrow."
good campy fun.
and i'm very tired from riding the emotional rollercoaster that a
dustin has just acquired a Mac G5 and it's quite lovely. should be hearing some new music from him fairly soon, i should think.
currently he is on the porch, smoking cigarettes and drinking a little bit of the sauce with a neighborhood fellow and i think they are discussing/debating the idea of innovation vs. invention.
it's all i can do not to turn on Three's Company reruns and veg out.
i'm a little simple.
we have a hanging flower pot on our porch, and inside said flowerpot there sits a bird nest with some baby birds in it. interesting to look at and, if you happen to move it at night, the mother bird flies out and is hysterically flapping her wings and i, for a brief moment, feared for my safety. specifically, my eyes. i had this horrific image of a bird pecking out my eyes in defense of her babies.
to defend my daughter, i would not be above eye pecking, either.
and now i'm typing with my eyes shut b/c im' nso physically tired. and now i hear the conversation on the deck keep on the innovation topic and i think to myself, "perhaps now its time to go to sleep."
and so it is.

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