Saturday, June 26, 2004

saturday, schmaturday

there is an estate sale of sorts about to happen next door, and i feel kind of like a predator waiting for it to happen. all the children and grandchildren are there, putting little squares of masking tape with little prices on everything -- their mother/grandmother, i think, is moving to a home or something like that. and i have every single intention of going over there to look for goodies, finds, etc, but i still feel like a bit of a vulture, circling overhead from my living room window, waiting for the magic 9 a.m. hour for my pounce.

but i'll probably find really cool stuff if i'm one of the first ones, right?

abbey's sleepover was a success, they were passed out from exhaustion by 11 p.m. and were up by 7, happily watching cartoons, playing barbies, eating peach yogurt (yoplait and dannon fruit at the bottom; they kept trading back and forth) and cinnamon & sugar toast.

alas, my stomach (intestinally speaking) has not fully recovered from out trip south of the border, nor has dustin's. a lot of pepto going on in my house. that shite is vile (esp. the aftertaste), but i'll do anything to ease my gutwrenching pain.

and yeah, gutwrenching is probably the most perfect description of aforementioned pain.

i just looked outside to check if the "sale today" sign is up yet. not yet. i fear i shall have to wait another 20 eternity for those of us with instant gratification problems.


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