Friday, December 03, 2004


what a day, by god. met the new therapist and he seems a decent fellow, but therapy is work enough, let along with someone new -- today was just one of many sessions to come where i'm basically going over stuff i've already explained to three other therapists -- i should just start tape recording my history and hand that to each new doctor i meet. so after the hour-long appointment i was at work feeling somewhat like i had just been hit by a truck... a bit of the walking dead, i was. but i'm glad to get the process starting again, i'm tired of feeling like i'm rotting from the inside out (ooh...pretty imagery).

and i have a kitten behind me who is trying to chew on my hair...drat. it's the wanda kitty.

i love friday nights. that wonderful feeling of very little obligation beyond feeding and entertaining my child tomorrow morning. that lovely "i don't have to set my alarm at all, let alone for 5:30 a.m." feeling. that lovely "i'm going to spend the whole freakin' day in my pajamas" feeling.

i can't fight this feeling any longer...

(i just quoted that horrible song; what's become of me?) but i'll give a 20 ounce bottle of soda to the first person who comments with the next line from that song. bring it.

my child is a raving lunatic. especially the raving part. she's kind of doing the actions along with "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" in Disney's Fantasia... and really that just involves flailing wildly and giggling. maybe we'd all be better off if we flailed and giggled at the same time. maybe i'll try now.

i haven't tried yet. i think it'll look like i'm having some sort of fit, and passerbys will put a stick in my mouth to keep me from biting off my tongue.

we will be viewing the movie "garden state" tomorrow night at the lovely riverview theater. and even though i've not yet seen it, i think i will probably love it and zach braff will be my new celebrity crush. he might even earn the title of "boyfriend of the week" on the Two Ks blog.

and sadly, i've been neglectful of the other blogs in my life. must work on that.

my list of musts for this weekend:

must brush hair.
must finish dishes.
must take winter coats to the dry cleaners.
must take goose-down alternative comforter to the laundromat, as it is roughly three times too big for my own washing machine.
must take risperdal, as i've neglected the last few nights and will therefore set me back in my level of short, i'll be sleepy all over again. nuts.
must make christmas shopping list for the 10,000th time. just to be thorough.

must sleep. soon. i'll be sure to update my blog on the progress of my weekend "must" list, (insert sarcastic tone NOW) as it's INCREDIBLLY important for everyone i know and many i don't to learn the outcome of my effing dishwashing.

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