Sunday, December 19, 2004

tis movie night....

and tonight's choice:

"The Grudge," showing at the delightful Riverview Theater. The Riverview is great because, unlike several other cheap theaters in town, it does not smell like the monkey cages at the zoo (Roseville 4, that's you...) and the leg room is not horribly limiting (Hopkins 6, anyone?) and there are not dozens of parents bringing children to slasher movies (Brookdale Discount, i'm talking to you!). And while variety in showtimes is a good thing, there is definite nostalgia that comes along with the Riverview.
For those of you who hail from Minot, perhaps you recall the Empire Theater in downtown, which is now the parking lot for Trinity Hospital and a funeral home? It's funny, really, that the Empire was torn down by a company that is trying to form an empire in Minot. or as a former minot daily news used to call Minot -- Trinity-ville.
So yeah, there is joy in the single screen theaters.
Onto the movie choice: The Grudge.
Why this movie? well, there was a curiosity about it .... will it suck? will it be scary? and that curiosity never deserves a full-priced ticket, so i can live with the $3 it will cost me. and an hour and a half of my time. i'm okay with that.
t-minus three days until our return to minot. days filled with food. a night or two filled with a little liquor....sounds like the holidays to me.

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