Friday, February 24, 2006

Props to Jege for the Seven Things Meme

Seven Things To Do Before I Die:

1. Write and sell a great screenplay
2. Own my own movie theater
3. Go to Europe -- All over the damn place, actually
4. Write a funny, articulate book.
5. Become more patient with and accepting of myself and others (except for those real fucking asshats out there…they can just suck it). (jege said that best and i am inclined to agree)
6. Say exactly the thing i'm feeling the exact moment i'm feeling it on a regular basis
7. Swim with the dolphins. (okay, not really. i can't even swim. wait. maybe learning to swim would have been a good choice. oh well.)

Seven Things I Cannot Do:

1. Disguise my annoyance/impatience/disgust/seething hatred -- at least, not for very long before i explode
2. Cartwheels
3. Eat cilantro
4. Swim
5. Deal with aggressive people
6. Jog -- it's just not possible.
7. Touch snakes. Even looking at snakes is tricky.

Seven Things That Attract Me to Blogging:

1. Unbound hilarity
2. Meeting great writers with interesting things to say.
3. Gives me a chance to get out of my own head.
4. Keeps lazy people like me in touch with the world...for the most  part.
5. Gives me something to look forward to every day.
6. The most amazing people in the world, i've had a chance to meet. or "meet," as jege said, without my becoming a face on a milk carton.
7. See #1

Seven Things I Say Most Often:

1. Fuck
2. Shit
3. Goddamn it
4. Asshole
5. For fuck's sake
6. Bastardo
7. Carp (like "crap," but something abbey likes to say, too)

Seven Books I Love:

1. Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
2. Nine Stories (specifically "perfect day for a bananafish") by JD Salinger
3. Without Feathers/Getting Even/ Side Effects, Woody Allen
4. Any e.e. cummings
5. Any Anne Sexton
6. Catcher in the Rye by JD "recluse" Salinger
7. Harry Potter !!!!!!!

Seven Movies/DVDs That I Can Watch Over and Over Again:
(just seven?)
1. Annie Hall
2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Halloween
4. Most anything with John Cusack
5. Evil Dead 2
6. NIN: And all that could have been
7. Love Actually (i know, i'm all girly that way)

Seven People I Want To Join In Who I Don't Think Have Done This Yet (unless you've already done it, in which case I apologize profusely for not paying attention to your fabulous entries):

1. Dustin
2. Heidi
3. Andy
4. Thomas
5. Bram
6. Joe Mammy
7. Rod


Crystal said...

YOU CAN'T DO CARTWHEELS?? I CAN'T DO THEM EITHER! I don't think I have ever met another person so uncoordinated. It makes me feel all warm inside.

kari said...

i can't do somersaults, either. fuck, i don't even know if i can SPELL somersaults.