Tuesday, February 21, 2006

tuesday Tuesday TUESDAY!

went to a lovely little bar last night -- by "lovely" i mean "has not been aired out since the early 1960s," but it is a true delight to find an establishment that offers drinks for two dollars and some change. and the owner kicks ass, and by "kicks ass" i mean "was so drunk that it was impossible to understand his form of speech." i will post photos of the evening today after work.

morning meeting moved up one hour, running smack into my normally-scheduled smoking break. am considering buying chewing tobacco just for the occasion. am looking forward to a lifetime of teeth with small leaf bits stuck between them.

am painfully stiff from moving set pieces from one theater space to another theater space (the theater garage, no less -- that's right, site of the cancelled wedding). will attend the theater performance this saturday (again, at theater garage), which promises to be slightly less awkward than the first visit to the space. another occasion for chew, perhaps? nothing says "class" like a bottle full of chewspit.


Crystal said...

be careful. if the light is dim and you're wasted, a cup of chew spit looks like an inviting glass of dr. pepper.

Anonymous said...

One of the audience members at a show we did last year was chewing and spitting into a styrofoam cup -- it was revolting, especially considering we're working in a tine 35 seat theater!

What's more, as we were cleaning up the space after the show, we discovered under his seat .... a cup half-full of tobacco and spit juice. The vile bastard did not even have the decency to clean up his own cancerous bodily waste!

--David (who can't remember his blogger log-in this morning on the work computer)