and anyone who says that they don't cry when they hear song 17, The Wings, from the Brokeback Mountain soundtrack, are LIARS.
LIARS, i say.
my kid sister graduated from college this weekend, which makes me officially OLD. but she is fantastic and i couldn't be prouder of my bug. congrats, meg! i love you!

earlier in the weekend, dustin did the honors of opening our wedding champagne (sparkling wine, if you want to be specific).

and no celebration is complete unless you include bean dip and chocolate chip cookie dough. (not at the exact same time, mind you.)

and after enough champagne and brandy, boys do amusing things.

I've never seen someone drink sparkling white wine out of a mason jar b4.
we do class it up a bit.
with a "respect knuckles" chaser. Awwwww yeahhhhhhh...
You and your sister have great smiles.
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