Tuesday, May 30, 2006

daaaaamn! it's time for some pictures!

damn, i'm a looker.

by god, it's our new living room! with me looking like, well, like i've been carrying boxes in 95 degree heat. I'M PRETTY. and our cat, little brother (the orange and white guy) looks evil, but really he's just yawning.

boxes are eating our kitchen. and quite possibly that cat you see there.

this is the luxurious exercise room at the motel where we honeymooned at --- i'm so buff. and really i look like i might just vomit.

look how strong he is!

we really class it up.


Anonymous said...

I always like to chill my champagne in the bathroom sink. I'm all about class and refinement.

P.S.. I love your hard wood floors.

Nessa said...

I think you need to explain that first photo. Make it good ; )

kari said...

i'm not allowed to comment much on that photo (government experiement), but let's just say that now i am a beautiful butterfly.

amycita said...

Your new place is loverly!

Jege (Jen) said...

In that 2nd picture, what is the blue object you are sticking into your ear?

word verification: hymium

kari said...

why, that would be a sharpie, jege. a blue sharpie. that is where i store them so i don't lose them.