making a house "ready to sell" really really sucks, esp. when you depend primarily on area businesses supply of old cardboard boxes and it has just rained a lot. so there is not a whole lot i can do without boxes right now. so maybe i'll just dink around online, you know, just for a little while.
and if ANYONE has any boxes they would like to be rid of, let me know!
My garage is filled with them ... but they are now desert dwellers and unsuited for life on the tundra.
My box is all yours, Karicita.
Sorry, couldnt resist.
i'd be happy to use your box.
(i couldn't resist either!)
But my box is plastic! what about that?
hrmmm....I really couldn't resist.
I'll hook you up with some boxes on Sunday :)
my mother has access to many boxes, I'm sure she could get her hands some for you.
(uhhhh, gross)
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