Thursday, November 10, 2005

a long, long night to come

okay, so i ate out tonight with the kiddo and my mom. i had a half of an omelette, some potatoes and a pancake.

and this is not a meal i am unfamiliar with, so it's nothing new to my digestive tract.

i am now experiencing a feeling that is similar to someone holding onto my insides and twisting and punching.

is that nausea along with it?

holy hell, it could be a very long night.

in other news, a mouse was found in the house by one of the cats -- only to have escaped from the jaws of death. given the amount of feline and canine in the house, no mouse will last long, so to the mouse spotted in my kitchen, i say to you:
watch your back. i am putting you on notice.

horrible twisting pain is beginning to subside. please, PLEASE let this be the last of it.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

because i thought it was more humane and raised a lot of hell about the poor mice, my dad bought sticky traps and then "let them go in a field" which really meant "taking them to work and throwing them in the dumpster where they will die a slow painful death by suffocation or crushing"
