Sunday, November 06, 2005

tomorrow's therapy session

blah. i always spend some time thinking about what i'm going to talk about at therapy. i see my doctor 2x/month. what i've been thinking about is my inability to follow through with things. i don't think i'm a horrible person, but i was thinking that, if had stuck with the pretty good exercise routine i began a few years ago, i'd be pretty happy with my appearance right now. if i had stuck with college that i began back in 1993, i'd be pretty happy with....okay, i'd be pretty much where i am right now, so that doesn't count. so knowning this, why don't i just get back on that exercise routine, and look forward to the two years from now that i'm svelte and back to my old hottie self? oh yeah, INSTANT GRATIFICATION. that fucking demon.

i've made changes and choices in my life that were definitely for the better, and that i never regret. but there are somes that i wish i could just kick my own ass for and try again. but knowing how i don't follow through, i don't want to put in the initial effort. man, i suck.


Jege (Jen) said...

No you don't, Kari. I know exactly how you're feeling...that bitch Instant Gratification has robbed me of my happiness many a time.
You are a gorgeous, intelligent, funny, wonderful human being, goddamnit!!! Okay?

kari said...

oh jege! if you weren't a surrogate sister to me and i wasn't into boys, i'd TOTALLY throw you down!

Jege (Jen) said...
