"lose yourself" by eminem
one of the two songs i really like by eminem. and it reminds me of my sister who knows ALL THE FREAKING WORDS. she rules. it's one of those songs that maybe you don't want to like, but when it comes on and you need a quick lift, a swift kick in the ass, it kind of does that for me.
"mr. self destruct" by NIN
what a fucking great song, and, if you didn't know, the beginning is sampled from lucas' first film, THX1138, which is something i didn't really know until just recently.
"you let me do this to you...i am the needle in the vein, i am the high you can't sustain, i am the pleasure of a whore, i am the need in you for more..."
"a kiss to build a dream on" by louis armstrong
this was actually on the now-defunct wedding soundtrack i was working on this past winter. i just don't think you can beat louis. this song make me feel...pretty.
"scarecrow" by beck
do you hear a little vintage prince in the beginning of this song? i do. and can i just say how fucking hot beck is? can i say that? there, i did.
"hurt" by johnny cash
fuck. you all know how i feel about this song. yeah, i can't even... yeah.
"but i remember everything..."
"just like heaven" by the cure
awww, another song that makes me feel pretty! i need to burn an "i feel pretty" cd. i remember this song was covered by a band from minot -- i think they went by the name of wade, but i could be wrong. it was kevin, andy, and cory? does my memory serve me correctly?
i made an appointment at the kelly temp agency for monday, but hopefully i'll hear something job-related before that time. i'm about a day away from selling fruit on street corners (and by "fruit" i mean "myself") so i'm keeping fingers crossed that i can keep that at bay.
and jude just came on. sigh...... he's singing "the asshole song" and it's dreamy.

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