am considering the sale of our jetta, as it needs a fuel pump and i feel as though we should get out of that nightmare ASAP. (it's on craigslist, if anyone is interested in a fixer-upper.) luckily we can manage with one car for a little while.
i just heard a clatter from the living room -- i can only assume a dog is chasing a cat. or many cats are chasing a dog. however we have trimmed down our menagerie of cats from six to four, and one more is on her way out, hopefully.
or else it's a hockey mask-wearing psychopath making a mess of my clean house. i'd make that bastard PAY.
song playing currently: Baby Ruth in Atlanta by Jude
official interview at target corporation scheduled for tuesday at 12:30. it sounds like a sure thing, but you never know. my head could explode mid-interview.
(note to self: take anti-exploding head serum.)
will pick up abbey today from school and hang out with her in uptown until dust is finished with work. i love abbey time. and every wednesday that i see her she's just a little bit funnier, a little bit older. which yes, i know the latter is obvious, but the way she talks, the jokes she makes, even the expressions she has, seem more and more... pre-teen, as opposed to fourth-grader.
she wants to start babysitting in a year or so -- i'll enroll her in one of those babysitter classes and then i'll pimp her out to my friends who have children younger than her. (you listening, emily?)
she also mentioned she wants to become jewish. not sure where that stems from, but it's interesting to hear her talk about it. although she's made it pretty clear she would not want to keep it kosher.
song playing: Right Where It Belongs by NIN
(sidenote for jege: the concert will totally kick your ass. seriously.)
and here is some spam i received today.

I'm listening :)
I smiled when I read what you wrote about Abbey. I see the *exact* same thing =) It has been so fun to watch her grow up, and she does seem to grow in her personality right before our eyes. (That may sound geeky, but it's true.) The Teen Vogue may have something to do with the 4th grader-to-teenager overnight thing, though. Guess we here at the other res are slightly bad influences in that respect! We've got one cool girl on our hands... (Re: religion, We took her to the Universalist church on Easter... Stephen asked her if she liked it, and she said it didn't really seem Eastery [Yeah, it really wasn't.] We'll try the Congregational I think, and she has said here, too, that she'd like to visit a synagogue. Aside from kosher, I think the no-Christmas/Easter would get to her, too!)
i think that she'd be okay with the eight nights of hanukkah, however.
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