i live in the klopek's house.
for those of you not familiar with "the 'burbs," the klopek's house is the scary house that has some sort of flying, stinging insects that fly out from behind the house number.
well guess what.
there are some nail holes in our siding underneath our house number. and the other day i noticed a flying insect crawl into the hole. "that's odd," i thought. "it flies in the manner of a bee, but is not black and yellow, like a bee."
so i'm googling "black bee" and here is what i'm learning:
1. it could be a carpenter bee; and
2. "the black bee" is the name of a sexual position.
great. so these little bastards are nesting INSIDE MY SIDING?
here is a picture of a carpenter bee (not my carpenter bee specifically, nor is that my fingertip.)

Do "carpenter bees" make honey? Cause that might be a good selling point: "House For Sale. Free Honey."
Otherwise, I think all we have to do is find an animal that eats bees, and then figure out how to squish it down inside that tiny little hole, and we'll be golden.
maybe "carpenter bees" can meet our woodworking needs? dustin, we're SO LUCKY! bookshelves are just the beginning.
at the first description of the movie it reminded me of "goonies." however upon further reading i know what you are talking about (something about it seems very familiar) and now it will drive me insane until i remember what it is.
i'll get back to you.
"the people under the stairs!" it a good flick. Kari can have the bee, but I want visitation.
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