Friday, December 09, 2005

i am a personal alarm clock

hmm. there are two people in my house who need to get up right now and i'll tell you what, i'm am apparently not a good alarm clock, because NO ONE IS MOVING.

and you know, YOU KNOW that for some reason it will take the clock saying something very, very late for them to get up.

but it's friday and it's payday, so that takes the sting out of going to work. the workplace that is in total flux right now.

"kiddo, it's twenty after six, you need to get up."
"awww, poop!"

that says it all. wisdom beyond her years.


Andrew said...

Hells yeah! Payday for us drones all over the US! *does the payday cabbage-patch dance*

kari said...

that's funny, b/c payday makes me do the robot!