Monday, December 12, 2005

Missing: Dustin

okay, so the dust's car battery was kaput this morning, so i drove him to work in dwtn. mpls. he said he'd take mass transit home, and he had a couple of possible schedules: one journey beginning at 4:50, another at 5:24. it is now 7:18. no word from him. probably trapped somewhere in some horrible sixth-ring suburb.

now, one would think that, in this situation, one might get off the bus and call the girl at home "please pick me up! i'm trapped in suburbia!"

but you know what? no call. so i'm sitting here, munching on my tater tot hotdish that i threw together in an effort to look somewhat domestic, no boy to be seen.

and i'm watching a "best of" episode of antique roadshow. no mediocre appraisals here, folks. only items worth a WHOLE lot or worth very little.

am looking forward to some karaoke tonight, however that depends on what time the boy returns, and if he ever wants to leave the house again.

so if you see a guy walking aimlessly around the cities, let me know... he'll be chainsmoking and really cute.

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