i call this latest work "saturday night."
(but it's not an autobiographical piece, as this one is cabernet sauvignon, and mine is white zin.)
ahh, grocery shopping, some tivo episodes of "daily show" and "colbert report".... maybe i'll toss in the new version of "dawn of the dead" later, b/c that's my way. that's how i roll.
i wonder if tonight's post(s) will inspire generations of drunk bloggers. it's the least i can do.
crap. 10:19 and sleepy already. tomorrow i vow to sleep in past 9 a.m. and if i wake before then, i will run into the wall until i go back to sleep, damnit.
more things to know about me:
• i really don't like country music. it makes me angry in a "i might rip off the arm of the person next to me" sort of way. unless it's patsy cline or johnny cash.
• i really like brie. i just ate some tonight.
• i have never been to europe.
• but i have been to both canada and mexico. and there was ample booze in both.
• my feet wore a size 10 sneaker before i had kiddo, but now i'm size 11 sneaker.
• so i just shop in the men's section when seeking sneakers.
• i hate bill o' reilly.
• because he is insane.
And what about anne coulter?
P.S.: bfvwnyke!!!!
ann coulter is evil. she is filled with bile and black snakes.
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